This year, Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 8th. To me, this is an opportunity to celebrate all women because, in some way, each of us nurtures and encourages and inspires those around us. Women are problem-solvers, caretakers, community advocates, role models, and people who initiate change.

Here’s your chance to honor a special woman in your life and maybe win a $25 Amazon gift card! Comment and share how a woman touched your life or made an impact on who you are today. I’ll randomly select one winner at the end of the month.
Wishing you a happy Mother’s Day!
this person is always there when needed – and not needed. and loves unconditionally. thanks
Getting new books for Mother’s Day is my happy place.
mom taught me to cook
My daughter-in-law has given me a beautiful grandson and will soon be delivering my precious granddaughter. I’m so blessed she’s come into our lives and not only made my son incredibly happy, but has blessed our entire family. <3
My Mother who always stayed up with me when i couldn’t sleep due to an Asthma attack. We would play card, games and read while dad and my sisters slept .
Be sure he is who you think he is. I should have listened. I didn’t listen to her.
Happy Mother’s Day to you too!
God bless all you Mothers!
My mother was an angel from heaven. She loved God and taught me how to love Him also. She taught me how to sew, among other crafts. She taught me to love other people and always be aware of others. She taught me that taking care of myself was important so I could than take care of others. Mom was a woman that loved to pray and she taught me that prayer was the bridge to the Throne of God. She taught me to respect others. Mom taught me to love and respect animals. They are Gods gift to us. Mom was a woman I highly respected and try to still be like her.
My sister has been the most influential in my life. She is the only one with whom I can laugh, cry, have a good time, and change the world, one step at a time.
My mother always encouraged me, and told me I could be whatever I wanted to be. She gave me unconditional love.
My mom was always a lending hand and ear to me. I miss her terribly. She’s in a dementia unit. My heart has been broken for over two years from not being able to visit with her due to the pandemic. During that period of time,
my moms dementia worsened. I am holding on to memories and cherishing them.
My mom made the highest impact on my life. I act a lot like her. She passed away two years ago on May 16th. The last time I spoke to her was on Mother’s Day. On the phone I told her she was the best mom. She was in a nursing home. Because of Covid I couldn’t visit her. But she taught me too be the best you can be. Don’t ever give up and love your life.
My Mother-in-law is the special woman in my life. My Mother was a Godly woman but died 26 years ago and my Mother-in-law has filled in that special role of being my Mom. She will be 91 years old this year but she still drives and mows and weed eats her own yard. She is always the first one her family calls on when there is a need because she is a God fearing woman and puts the needs of others before herself. I will be married 37 years in September and my Mother-in-law became an important part of my life. I am truly blessed.
My grandmother was my rock… always there for me… showing me I was stronger than I thought… so supportive and caring… she was a truly special woman!
My mother always took my twin sister and me took our religious instructions.
My mother has always been my greatest encourager. She says”something good will come out of it “ when things take a bad turn and “you can always learn something from it.” She always takes a positive attitude.
My 94 year old mother-in-law inspires me to believe in tomorrow. She still does exactly what she wants to do, and encourages me to follow my own dreams. She is living proof that it is never too late to plan for tomorrow.
My daughter is a lady I admire. Her husband was in the Navy 23 years and she raised their 2 children alone at times. She and I haven’t always got along, but she is a strong and wonderful person!
My woman was not just one but several. Our mother passed away when was 8, but I remember her teaching us to kneel and say our prayers every night. Our grandmothers then helped to raise us. Grandma Kezia stayed with us during the school year. She taught me to bake when I was in grade school. My brothers and I spend summers on Grandma Grace’s small farm. There we spend carefree days climbing trees and roaming the fields with the neighbors kids. Last but not least would be my late mother-in-law. I was very fortunate to have a loving woman like her. She was more my second mother, certainly no in-law. In fact about six months after our wedding, the first she had to introduce both of us to she introduced us as her daughter and son-in-law. The look on my husband’s face priceless as he said, “but I’m your only son.” All of these women had an influence on the woman I am today and I do not think that I would have half of the woman I am without them.
she’s uplifting and always there
I would have to say my 2 sisters without their family support that we all share we wouldn’t be the people we are today as well as the mothers we are today! I believe we each helped each other become stronger women because of what we each bring to the table for each other.
My daughter Elaine is a special mother who gives all of herself to her children she chauffeurs them to school and back and brings them to their baseball games and ballet classes
She also makes sure they have nutritious meals.
You cannot find a mother like that nowadays
Every member of our family has had to rely on my mother to see them through their own crisis. I hope when the time comes I’m strong enough to be there for her!
My mother said “We think he’s for the long haul.” 37 years later, she was right.
My mother started me on reading. We would read after supper [my father worked nights when I was a child] until time for bed. My
mother always let me pick out a book to buy when we went shopping. I still own these books.There were no libraries near my home. I am an avid reader thanks to my mother.
My Mum made me who I am today because she put a solid foundation down for me to be a good person, to treat and respect others like I would want to be treated. Mum’s always been there for me no question and now I’m there for her when she needs me most. Mum will be 88 this year and Mother’s Day is one of my favourite days to celebrate.
My mom was the person who had the greatest impact on my life. She raised seven children on a fixed income. She taught me right from wrong and how to Iive frugally on limited funds. She gave me a stable home and raised me to be a strong, kind person.
The woman I would honor in my life is my best friend’s mother. She was a single mother and only had two children left at home when I met her at age 12. She would take us girls camping and end up cooking pancakes for anyone who came into our camp area. She taught me to can – peaches, apricot nectar and jams. To this day I thank her for her patience and integrity. She was an amazing woman even when she held down three jobs at one time. I loved her more than my own mother. She has since passed but I do cherish the memory of her.
I have the best sister. She has taught me to be more patient!
I always thought my mom was very invasive as a teen & young adult. Now I am older, and she is gone I realize that my mom tried to teach me how life can be. She tried to teach me how to cook, sew, and show me responsibilities as an adult. I respect her more and wish I would have spent more time with her now.
She instilled in us the value of books by always having books in our home and reading to us every day (until we could read ourselves).
My maternal grandmother. Her first husband was killed when my mom was 3 in the mid 40’s, she doesn’t remember him. Grandma raised 5 children ages newborn-12 by herself until the early 50’s when she married the Grandpa I knew, he was a wonderful man and was Dad to all five children. She was offered a job at a bank but she turned it down to clean houses so she could take my uncle(the youngest) to work with her. She didn’t have a lot but she made sure my Mom and uncles had a wonderful childhood and they did.
Among many other things, my grandmother instilled the importance of voting and not to neglect that right.
my grandmother was always ‘there’ for me, even when she moved to another city.
My wonderful Mother always told us to treat everyone with respect and kindness. My Mother had a heart of gold and she was always there for everyone. She was the BEST, she was an angel. She is missed so much.
mom teaching me to cook
My mother is not with us anymore but she was the best teacher to her four children, two boys and two girls.. We all know how to cook, sew, manage a household and take care of ourselves. She passed on her nursing skills, as well.
My mother has always been my biggest supporter and cheerleader!
My mother instilled in us the lessons of treating everyone the same, we’re all people.
mom taught me to help others
My mum, she has to deal with so much but she keeps going and she’s my best friend. Xx
My mom is my inspiration and always there for others when needed. Whenever she was teaching someone or showing someone how to do things she would say “Like so, Frieda”.
My Mom was the strongest woman – miss her every day – she was very mechanical and did most of the Man work around the house including adding an enclosed porch to replace a broken slab of cement!
My mother set a great example for me, when she and my father separated, she went back to school and got a master’s in library science. A few years later she picked up stakes (and us kids) and moved to Rhode Island to start a new job in a state where she only knew a handful of people. 4 years later she remarried and remained married for almost 35 years.
My 12th grade English teacher was a great mentor to me for many many years after I graduated high school. She kept me motivated and gave me great advice on motherhood, career choices and so much more. She was invaluable to me and I how lived my life! Her name was Jaye Guy, her daughter is Jasmine Guy from A Different World!
Gotta give love to my Grandma. That woman not only raised her 3 kids in a new country (US), she also raised her 5 grandkids (that’s where I showed up). We are so blessed!
Mom is so awesome, she puts up with me, and puts me in my place!
oh boy mothres day is a coming nd they know i want books
Mom was the one person I had in my corner when I’d lost everything.